What Services are Provided, and How They’re Delivered


Person Centred Counselling

This techniques provides individuals with the opportunity to develop a sense of self. Individuals can realise how their attitudes, feelings and behaviours are being negatively affected.

Motivational Questioning

This technique is encouraging an altered view of thought patterns, along with a desire to change behaviour.
Motivational therapists are focused specifically on a person’s need or what their problems may be. There are different methods and techniques used by the therapist during these sessions.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

This promotes positive change rather than dwelling on past problems. Clients are encouraged to focus positively on what they do well and to set goals and identify how to achieve them.
Following initial consultation, the above techniques will be discussed and the most appropriate provided during therapy.


  • Long term face to face constant for person centred counselling

  • Short term face to face contact for motivational questioning and SFBT; contact of approximately 6-8 sessions.

  • If you do not require face to face sessions some of these techniques could be delivered on the telephone or via skype.
    [Sessions are approximately 1 hour in duration]

  • Hypnotherapy first assessment session is free. Then depending on what you want to work on depends how many sessions are needed, which will be discussed in the assessment sessions.


Is a form of complimentary therapy.  Utilising the power of positive suggestions in the subconscious mind. Using appropriate suggestions to help change behaviours.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.